When turbid waters meet Sound Metrics imaging sonars, things get interesting. Very interesting. Take a look at some real-world examples of our imaging sonars in action.
Tire Roll and Mesh BoxGO
Spinning UmbrellaGO
Barrel RollGO
Mud wall collapses on diverGO
18 inch Square Paver BricksGO
Damaged Dam StructureGO
Steel plateGO
Rocks on River BottomGO
Plate surveyGO
Pile inspectionGO
Inspecting pontoon weldsGO
Hand and hookGO
Grate of the BrummerGO
Bridge pier inspectionGO
Pontoon weld beamsGO
High flowGO
Dam draft tubeGO
Pipeline and flangeGO
Oil LeakGO
Hot Water in Cold WaterGO
Capsized oil rigGO
Bouncing pipeGO
36 inch pipeGO