Bellevue, WA - Sound Metrics, the leading manufacturer of high-resolution acoustic imaging sonars, supplied an ARIS Explorer 3000 to aid an organization in the identification and classification of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO’s) off the coast of the North Sea with outstanding results.
The coast of the North Sea is known to be particularly turbid, due to strong currents and large amounts of sediment swept into the seabed by neighboring rivers. As a result, optical cameras are often ineffective, and other imaging sonars lack the clear, sharp detail afforded by the ARIS Explorer 3000.
Due to the unmatched clarity provided by the ARIS Explorer 3000 in zero-visibility waters, the sonar provided the organization with the needed detail critical to the accurate identification of UXO. With the ARIS’ high-resolution imaging, the team successfully gathered information on the target’s dimensions, characteristics, and location.
Characteristics of the target were found to be consistent with a highly explosive German LMB Ground Mine – featuring a rounded nose and “oyster-like” tail-shape. Using the ARIScope software measurement tool, the mine was measured to be approximately 2.3 meters in length.
With conclusive results, the client states he is “over the moon with this product” and how well the ARIS Explorer was able to help him and his team positively determine the identity of the UXO. Due to the successful identification of the target, the team could effectually evaluate risk and carry out a plan of action to protect seafarers in accordance to industry practice and protocol.
According to Joe Burch, President of Sound Metrics:
“It’s a dangerous business hunting mines. You need to be confident that you not only have the best people, but the best kit available to do the job in order to get in and out safely and quickly. ARIS Explorer 3000 has a proven track record of successful UXO identification throughout European waterways.”
Sound Metrics strives to offer the most advanced technology to provide innovative imaging solutions for a wide array of industries and applications. Visit
soundmetrics.com to find out how the next generation of DIDSON Technology can aid in your next operation.