Kit contents include:
4 cable connector o-rings
4 bulk head connector o-rings
20 lens screws 6-32 x1/4
8 lens tray screws 10-32 x1/4
2 end cap screws 10-32 x 1 1/4
1 end cap o-rings, thinner
1 end cap o-rings, thicker
1 zinc / replacement anode for the sonar
1 port plug
1 ball point hex key set
1 #2 philips screwdriver
1 4-in-1 flat head screwdriver
1 parts case, small blue case
1 kinetics case
1 lens maintenance kit w/ bottle of replacement lens fluid
1 standard o-ring kit with mounting bolts and washers
1 laminated instructions for installing new battery in battery housing
1 2mm hex driver to remove battery
1 transit case 2300 with foam custom cut for tool placement
1 diver-held replacement battery
1 diver-held front lens
2 battery pack swell latches
1 brush for cleaning connectors
1 tube of silicone grease, small keychain size